Hi there !
For the sake of self-training I’m building a cheap Mario Land game-template, trying to make it the way you are supposed to :
Everything works fine but I have bleeding issues with my tilemap, and I really don’t get it…
I found lots of advices on the subject but none of it is working.
I mean I already :
- extruded my tileset (which I never did on previous projects)
- tried any combination of pixelArt, autoRound and roundPixels game params
- added cameras.main.roundPixels = true (which did nothing)
- tried both canvas and webgl with the same result
Extruding helped a lot, things where worse before it…
I also re-arranged my tileset tu put empty tiles around some problematic ones (which helped a bit).
But anyway, I still have ugly lines appearing between tiles whenever the player moves.
On previous projects I used to upscale all my assets (by 2 or 4), which seemed to resolve that kind of issues… but it seems to me an ugly workaround when you work with low-rez pixel-art; like an esthetic nonesense
Anyway, I don’t get it, because in the Phaser 3 exemples the tilesets that are used are not upscaled, not even extruded, and averything seems to work fine !
Any help or idea or advice or just any kind of point of vue on it ?
I guess a lot of people here build pixel perfect retro games !