Is there a way to append a tween to a chain that is currently running?
When I do thechain.add({ targets: target, tweens: tweens })
it errors in the reset method on seek() being called on undefined.
Is there a way to append a tween to a chain that is currently running?
When I do thechain.add({ targets: target, tweens: tweens })
it errors in the reset method on seek() being called on undefined.
It needs to be
So add targets
to each tween config.
Sorry, yes that’s what I have actually. I mistyped (not sure why I didn’t just copy paste).
Can you show your code?
Ok I figured it out.
I didn’t understand how to pass in the new tweens.
So taking the ax tween sample code… I just split out the tweens like this and it works:
const chain = this.tweens.chain({
targets: image,
tweens: [
x: 400,
ease: 'power3',
duration: 750
angle: 0,
ease: 'elastic.out',
duration: 500
targets: image,
scale: { value: 0.5, duration: 1000 },
y: { value: 100, duration: 750, ease: '' }
targets: image,
angle: 35,
ease: 'power2',
duration: 200
targets: image,
x: -100,
ease: '',
duration: 1000
What I was doing before was:
targets: image,
tweens: [
scale: { value: 0.5, duration: 1000 },
y: { value: 100, duration: 750, ease: '' }
angle: 35,
ease: 'power2',
duration: 200
x: -100,
ease: '',
duration: 1000
Oops! Everything makes sense now. Somehow the typescript definitions didn’t warn me something was wrong though (I guess because it was trying to nest another chain, which is also a valid Tween object).