Arcade Physics' Collision Categories badly implemented?

I am currently testing the Arcade Physics collision categories, as I can see that they exist not only in Matter but also in Arcade.

Here’s the proof:

So I made a Sandbox test, where I have 4 types of collision objects that can collide between each other.

  this.categories = {
      playerMelee:   1,  // 2^0 -> 0b0001
      playerRanged:  2,  // 2^1 -> 0b0010
      enemyMelee:    4,  // 2^2 -> 0b0100
      enemyRanged:   8   // 2^3 -> 0b1000

I set the object’s body to the respective category.

    container.body.setCollidesWith([categories.enemyRanged, categories.playerRanged, categories. enemyMelee]);

Then I add the colliders with this.physics.add.collider for each group separately.

At certain time, I want to disable one of those to avoid colliding with others, with for example:


But this simply does not work.

If I change to Matter physics, it works. So I guess it’s a bug with the Arcade?
My game is simple and I don’t need Matter with it’s complexity, so I want to use Arcade. Any suggestions?

Here’s my sandbox test, just drag them around and check the logs. Please check:

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Thanks for this. You could open a GitHub issue to give it some attention.