hi there,
i’ve trying to load images async while the game is allready running. E.g.: user walks around and start talking to a npc. NOW start loading his image.
Or he walks into an area the images not allready loaded, start loading different images and add them to the object.
here is my code:
setImage( dlgImage ){
let imgName = dlgImage.substr( dlgImage.lastIndexOf("/") + 1 );
this.dlg.setIcon( "no_hero" );
if( !imgName || imgName == "") return this;
if( !this.scene.textures.exists( imgName ) ){
this.scene.load.image( imgName, `images/${dlgImage}.png`)
this.scene.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => {
// texture loaded so use instead of the placeholder
this.dlg.setIcon( imgName )
dlgImage&&this.dlg.setIcon( imgName );
return this;
I followed this example here:
But i discoverd some problems with this approche:
the event “Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE” is fired for any of this files. So if i start loading 10 images from a loop with this function, first image loaded fires event, all other 9 objects get also triggered this event, but there image is not loaded right now!
Seems like this approche only works for single images async loaded…
any tipp on how i can get the complete event for each image separated?
thx a lot!
(hope u understand my example)