Problem to show images

Hey guys im trying to do my first game on Phaser 3, but i stopped now in the image dont load.

The thing is, i put the way to file and in the screen it show only a green square with a line.

Search for some solutions but none work.

main.js (169 Bytes)
LoadScene.js (1.4 KB) MenuScene.js (507 Bytes)
index.html (245 Bytes)

I uploaded the files since i dont know how to show it as code block here (pls tell me how to do this).

Other thing i try put a random image in the root and load it from there and yet get the same green square.

A green square with a line means:
a) the asset was never loaded
b) the asset was loaded but you used the wrong key
or c) the asset was never loaded because its path was wrong.

Code blocks are done with three `s. You can get that by clicking the key with the tilda on it. Please post your code.


export class MenuScene extends Phaser.Scene {

    constructor() {


            key: CST.SCENES.MENU



    init(data) {
        console.log("I got it")


    preload() {


    create() {//Cria a tela de menu

        this.add.image( / 2, * 0.20, "logo");

        this.add.image(0, 0, "title_bg").setOrigin(0);



export class LoadScene extends Phaser.Scene {

    constructor() {


            key: CST.SCENES.LOAD



    init() {


    preload() {

        // Carrega Imagens, sons, sprites, etc

        this.load.image("title_bg", "assets/image/title_bg.jpg");
        this.load.image("options_button", "./assets/image/options_button.png");
        this.load.image("play_button", "./assets/image/play_button.png");
        this.load.image("logo", "./assets/image/logo.png");
        this.load.spritesheet("cat", "./assets/sprite/cat.png", {
            frameHeight: 32,
            frameWidth: 32

        //Cria barra de load

        let loadingBar ={

            fillStyle: {

                color: 0xffffff //white



        /* Load Evento

            Complete - Quando terminar de carregar tudo
            Progresso - Carrega o progresso usando nĂşmero decimal

        this.load.on("progress", (percent) => {

            loadingBar.fillRect(0, / 2, * percent, 50)


        this.load.on("complete", () => {



    create() {

        this.scene.start(CST.SCENES.MENU, "Hello World");



´´´import {LoadScene} from “./Cenas/LoadScene”;
import {MenuScene} from “./Cenas/MenuScene”;

let game = new Phaser.Game({

width: 800,
height: 600,
scene: [

  LoadScene, MenuScene




<html lang="pt-br" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <script src="scripts/phaser.min.js"></script>
    <script src="scripts/main.js"></script>


Do you see “I got it!” in your console?

yes all the msg is ok

and i put an “add.text”, and it show in the screen too



Try moving this.scene.start(CST.SCENES.MENU, "Hello World"); to the this.load.on("complete", () => { function.

dont work.

The console msg come out too but the green square remain.

Im using node.js as server, maybe something with it ?

Are there any errors on the console?


only this chrome extension

but i test in edge and firefox and get the same things, no errors

anyway, im following this tutorial

maybe if i start it from the beggin again, but dont look have errors.

was the url correctly defined?
this.load.image("title_bg", "assets/image/title_bg.jpg");
this.load.image("title_bg", "./assets/image/title_bg.jpg");

1 Like

@ReydVires yes, i try some alternatives, tried put it in the root too, but nothing :frowning:

I read somewhere a guy talking about problem with the parsel on node.js

Hmm… It’s all the image didn’t load or in just the specific background?

its all, i try a random image and nothing too

i go try save again the file in png format maybe ?

That’s probably not going to help.

@NowakSotto Are you 100% sure that the file path is correct?

Yes, but i go try again.
The folder “assets” is inside the root folder “Jogo”.

And folder image inside assets folder

so if im not wrong " ./assets/image/image.jpg" or " /assets/image/image.jpg"

correct ?

i go try put the image direct inside assets folder