Sprite appears as a green square

I have 2 scenes: Loading and Menu, in loading scene i laod images and then I want to display them in menu.

Loading scene code:

import { CTS } from './../CTS.js';
import { MenuScene } from './MenuScene';

export class LoadScene extends Phaser.Scene
            key: CTS.SCENES.LOAD

    preload() {
        this.load.image('logo', './../assets/logo.png');
        this.load.image('bg', './../assets/title_bg.jpg');
    create() {
        this.scene.start(CTS.SCENES.MENU, 'Hello from loadScene');

Here’s menu script:

import { CTS } from './../CTS.js';

export class MenuScene extends Phaser.Scene
            key: CTS.SCENES.MENU

        console.log('I got it!');

    create() {
        this.add.image(0,0,'bg').setOrigin(0, 0);
        this.add.image(0,0,'logo').setOrigin(0, 0);

I checked paths and keys, they are right, chrome doesnt give any errors when running, but in sources tab doesnt show assets folder. I also tried to open and save images with ps to solve eventual format issues.

Heres my main.js file :

/** @type {import('./../../PHAZER/phaser-3.18.1/types/phaser')} */

import { LoadScene } from "./scenes/LoadScene.js";
import { MenuScene } from "./scenes/MenuScene.js";

let game = new Phaser.Game({
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    scene: [
       LoadScene, MenuScene

And Heres sc of directories so you can see that paths are set the right way

EDIT: I corrected all ‘laod’ to ‘load’ but it still doesnt work