Back for more trouble, trying to make a sprite clickable

Hi all, first of all, thanks for all previous replies they have been very helpful, I have advanced quite a bit in my project but Im stuck again, this is my code below (I will explain the issue below the code):

	this.load.atlas('enemies', 'enemies.png','enemies.json');  ####This goes on preload function

#####everything below I added to create function
var monsterData = [
        {name: 'Aerocephal', image: 'aerocephal'},
        {name: 'Arcana Drake', image: 'arcana_drake'},
        {name: 'Aurum Drakueli', image: 'aurum-drakueli'},
        {name: 'Bat', image: 'bat'},
        {name: 'Daemarbora', image: 'daemarbora'},
        {name: 'Deceleon', image: 'deceleon'},
        {name: 'Demonic Essence', image: 'demonic_essence'},
        {name: 'Dune Crawler', image: 'dune_crawler'},
        {name: 'Green Slime', image: 'green_slime'},
        {name: 'Nagaruda', image: 'nagaruda'},
        {name: 'Rat', image: 'rat'},
        {name: 'Scorpion', image: 'scorpion'},
        {name: 'Skeleton', image: 'skeleton'},
        {name: 'Snake', image: 'snake'},
        {name: 'Spider', image: 'spider'},
        {name: 'Stygian Lizard', image: 'stygian_lizard'}

    var monsters =;
    	var monster;
    	let currentmonster = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(monsterData);
    	monsterData.forEach(function(data) {
        monster = monsters.create(400,300, 'enemies', currentmonster.image).setOrigin(0.5);
        monster.details = data;  
    	monster.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
        monster.on('pointerout', function (pointer) {
        monster.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {

Basically my monsters do spawn as expected and they do change sprite every time I refresh the page, but the click function does not works, it simply wont click on it, and nothing happens, no errors on console nothing, am I approaching this incorrectly? please any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

my base functions look like the ones on this tutorial: Tutorial

Hmm, this doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense.
You pick a monster.
Then for each type of monster you create a monster with the chosen image, but give it the details of the iterating type.
But the bigger problem is that you overwrite monster. In the end there is only 1 monster reference. And since you put the pointer handlers outside the forEach loop, only the last one will remain.