Everything looks fine on PC and android. On iOS the background is showing plain black. Everything else is showing up and working fine on iOS (so far). The background shows black regardless of the level that has been loaded. Cut scenes work fine. Thanks for your help!
Hello @flurp, i also had something like this and my background images was too big, i shrink those down and after that everything worked fine. Maybe you could also give it a try (if your images also big too )
Was your problem dimensional (pixel size) or was it based on the size of the file (MB)?
I was thinking it would be something along the lines you are mentioning although it runs fine on Android and PC. I am just trying to save myself some work by seeing if I should reduce the size of the level or reduce the size of the file.
I think it was just my image size was too big, it was 6000x4000px, after i slipt the image,
it was okey with. But i’m not sure if it’s cause of pixel or MB cause both was big