Black Rectangle on Android

Hi @all I have a problem, with a sprite-sheet, it works fine on desktop and iPhone but on android it shows a black rectangle instead of the image.
`this.load.spritesheet(‘hand’, ‘img/hand-ani-left.png’, {frameWidth: 586, frameHeight: 1020});

hand = this.add.sprite(width / 2, 1050, ‘hand’);

    hand.scale = 0.5

        key: 'hide',
        frames: 'hand',
        frameRate: 15
                //repeat: -1
    hand.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {'hide', true);

Here is a link:
Could it be some settings by the PNG?
Did someone have the same issues and solved it?
Thanks for answers!

Usually the texture dimensions are too large for the device.

Your right!
Thank you very much for this simple solution!