Spritesheet showing as black rectangle on iOS

Hello Phaser community, I’m new to Phaser 3 and I’ve encountered an issue that I wasn’t able to search online.

If anyone came across same issue as this, any help is greatly appreciated. Basically spritesheet is showing black rectangle in iOS environment only (both simulator (project via capacitor) and mobile safari when I connect to web version).

I’ve attached the screenshot and relevant code in this stackoverflow question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59514456/phaser-3-spritesheet-not-displaying-on-ios-shows-black-rectangle-instead

setting type: Phaser.CANVAS in gameConfig fixed this issue. It seems type:Phaser.AUTO makes it not render sprites on iOS.

It may not be downloaded properly. Where do you serve this spritesheet from? Does this server allows requests from the origin you make the request from (i.e. your app’s origin)?

If not, you may need to allow CORS in your server.

The spritesheet is served from same place as other assets ./assets directory.