Hi Guys,
so I think I know what the issue is, but I dont know how to fix it properly.
Using Littera to create bitmapFonts.
My code: index.html:
var transparent = false;
var antialias = false;
TopDownGame.game = new Phaser.Game(500, 320, Phaser.CANVAS, ‘’, this, transparent, antialias); boot.js:
this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.js:
TopDownGame.game.load.bitmapFont(‘nokia16’, ‘assets/fonts/font.png’, ‘assets/fonts/font.fnt’)
var story = TopDownGame.game.add.bitmapText(0, 0, ‘nokia16’, ’ I dont know how to fix it’);
but even if I disable the this.scale.scaleMode the font is still blurry. only if I also set the scale to 0.5 it gets clearer.
but I played a bit more with littera and font sizes. I figured out that phaser always outputs the font at the same size.
So if my littera font size is 5 or if my font size is 100 it is the same size in my phaser game. That should be the issue, but I dont know why phaser is doing that.
Example: FontSize 16
Ok thats good. I never used the size parameter. I used scale instead.
I have this problem with every bitmap font. Also tried it with the phaser2 example bitmapFonts => the same problem.
General questin:
So bitmap fonts are not good for up- and downscaling, I should use them in the same size as I generated them with littera. Correct?
I can not upload the .fnt file but here is a screenshot
ok cool my font looks like this without this command:
this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
So is there a way I can still use this command for my game but NOT for the font?
or can I use a different command which will upscale my game but not the font?
or should I upscale the game by 2 and than downscale the font by 2 but I think I will loose some quality if I do it like that?
I think it’s still the scaling, but correct me if I am wrong.
Lets say my game width is 500, my window.innerWidth is 1000, so my game is upscaling by factor ~2, which means it upscales everything. If I add a bitmapFont with size 16, due to the upscale it is technically size 32 and this causes the blurry/unsharpness. Correct?
Yes, game/canvas scaling will smooth everything, including the bitmap fonts. The reason I mentioned size is that if that’s not correct, the text may look bad even if the game isn’t scaled.
ok thanks for mentioning the size again.
Is there a way I can figure out by which factor my game was upscaled, so I can say for example: Littera font size was 16.
var story = TopDownGame.game.add.bitmapText(0, 0, ‘nokia16’, ’ I dont know how to fix it’, 16);
story.smoothed = false;
I already tried a few things but I didn’t get the factor.