Boost effect


I woild like to add “boost” effect: after rocket movement it shows smoth trail.

I found examples with particles:

But its looking very bad in my example:

        var config = {
            type: Phaser.CANVAS,
            parent: 'phaser-container',
            width: 800,
            height: 600,
            backgroundColor: '#000',
            scene: {
                preload: preload,
                create: create

        var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

        function preload() {
            this.load.image('ship', '');

        function create() {
            var particles = this.add.particles('ship');

                radial: false,
                x: 100,
                y: { start: 600, end: 0, steps: 256 },
                lifespan: 3000,
                quantity: 1,
                alpha: { start: 0.5, end: 0.05, ease: 'Linear' },
                blendMode: 'ADD'

Thanks in advance!

Solved by tweens and emitter:

            function create() {
            var particles = this.add.particles('ship');

            var ship = this.add.image(100, 600, 'ship');

            var curve = new Phaser.Curves.Spline(100, 600);
            curve.addPoint(100, 600);
            curve.addPoint(200, 400);
            curve.addPoint(400, 500);
            curve.addPoint(600, 100);

            this.curve = curve;
            var tweenObject = {
                val: 0
            var tween = this.tweens.add({
                targets: tweenObject,
                val: 1,
                duration: 1000,
                paused: true,
                onUpdate: function (tween, target) {
                    var position = this.curve.getPoint(target.val);
                    ship.x = position.x;
                    ship.y = position.y;
                callbackScope: this


                radial: false,
                x: {
                    onEmit: function () { return ship.x; }
                y: {
                    onEmit: function () { return ship.y; }},
                lifespan: 1000,
                quantity: 1,
                alpha: { start: 0.20, end: 0.001, ease: 'Linear'}