Bug with looping timeline and value increment


I tried to create a timeline that increments the x and y properties of an object and loops infinitely.
It works fine the first time but a problem comes after: the tweens keep using the initial position of the object as starting values.

So it makes something strange like:
Loop 1
x: 0 -> 100 / y: 0 -> 100
Loop 2
x: 0 -> 200 / y: 0 -> 200
Loop 3
x: 0 -> 300 / y: 0 -> 300

Here is an example that shows the problem: https://Phaserjs-Game-Starter.gyariab.repl.co
The source code is available here: https://repl.it/@GyariAb/Phaserjs-Game-Starter

The code of the timeline is:

var timeline = this.tweens.createTimeline();

    targets: image,
    x: "+="+100,
    ease: 'Power1',
    duration: 1000

    targets: image,
    y: "+="+100,
    ease: 'Power1',
    duration: 1000

timeline.loop = -1;


I think that’s probably the expected behavior. Try tweens/dynamic properties instead.


Actually maybe that’s a bug. :thinking:

I think so because it is not logical that the end values change but not the starting ones.

Idk the source seems pretty clear that loop, repeat, and yoyo don’t do that. :woman_shrugging:

Perhaps @rich knows.

I found a workaround that is to save all the tweens in an array (this.tweens here) and use a recursive function to recreate the timeline when it is finished:

public start(loop = false) {
        tweens: this.tweens,
        yoyo: false,
        onComplete: () => {
            if (loop) {

But I think it’s a bit ugly.