Jumping to the end of a timeline, i.e .seek(1)

Is there an easy way to jump to the end of a tween timeline?

On the Tween class, you have the option to jump to any point in the tween using .seek(), on the Timeline class you do not have this option.
So I created my own function that loops through timeline.data Tweens and does a .seek(1), however this leads to faulty values set on the tweened objects, as the non active tweens have not had their end and start values initialized, calling .init() on these does not resolve it as the values are still not set correctly.

Is there any way to initialize all tween instances in a timeline appropriately, and then doing .seek() through each of them?

for (let i = 0; i < tweens.length; i++) {

const tween: Tweens.Tween = tweens[i];
tween.updateTweenData(tween, tween.data[0], 1);
tween.targets[0][tween.data[0].key] = tween.data[0].end;

This is the wretched solution I’ve come up with, updateTweenData() on each tween such that the end value is atleast set correctly(the start value is still incorrect), furthermore on using tween.seek() the oncomplete callbacks are not fired, so we dont use .seek(), instead we use .complete() so our onComplete callbacks fire and just hard set key to end value.