i dont understand why, is the start and end position saved in the tween so if i restart it, it will take the results from there? If so, how do i edit these values?
You might need to post your tween code, so it’s a bit easier to understand your question. But I imagine you’re setting a fixed value in the tween (for example x: 50). As an alternative, you could set an assignment string (x: ‘+=50’). You can also update a playing tween with updateTo.
Thank you for your reply!
My problem is not the ending X, but the repositioning of the X.
this.children.entries.forEach(function(element) {
targets: element,
x: { value: Math.random() * (700 - 450) + 450},
duration: Math.random() * (15000 - 10000) + 10000, 10000
ease: 'linear',
repeat: -1
then what i do when i need it is, set a new X and Y position and restart the tween, the Y works fine, but the X is always the X which it started as (the one i declared when creating the sprite), this class extend s a arcade.staticgroup, but ive also tried with group and the results seem to be the same
Hi @LifeEternal ,
This should work:
this.children.entries.forEach(function(element) {
targets: element,
x: function() {
return Math.random() * (700 - 450) + 450;
duration: function(){
return Math.random() * (15000 - 10000) + 10000;
ease: 'linear',
repeat: -1
my problem is with the starting X position, i wanna change that, i already have the tween proprety ‘x’ set to +=50
Ups ok,
Try this:
this.children.entries.forEach(function(element) {
targets: element,
x: {
value: {
getStart: function(target, key, value){
return value + 50;
getEnd: function(){
return Math.random() * (700 - 450) + 450;
duration: function(){
return Math.random() * (15000 - 10000) + 10000;
ease: 'linear',
repeat: -1