I wanna help ! there is a problem with tween

there is the code:

this.tw1 = this.tweens.create({

            targets: this.plane,

            props: {

                rotation: {


                        return that.plane.rotation;


                    getEnd:function () {

                        return -Math.PI;




        }, this);

why this tween always start from zero , not the object’s current rotation?
thanks for your advice

Because I doubt that.plane equals anything, so it’s defaulting to zero. You don’t need to use props, or getStart or anything. You can just do:

  targets: this.plane,
  rotation: -Math.PI

Then create this tween as needed and it will always start from whatever rotation currently is and tween it towards -PI.

Thank you! I try your advice, but it dosen’t work. I think I had did something wrong, I will try to find it out.thank you very much.

I’v konwn why about this problem, it’s all my fault, i misunderstand the method " play() ", documention is very clearly, " play() method will start the Tween playing again from the start " .