Calling function of one class in another

Hello. I have a class I am using to create an object that extends from Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite, called objectSpawner . I also have another class where the game is run called game. In game i create the objects. But I need to be able to call a function from objectSpawner within game, how do I do this.

Hi, you can instantiate the extended class in the game class and you can invoke methods on this instantiated member. Like;

let player = new ObjectSpawner();

or you can add a static method to the objectSpawner and use it like;

// in objectSpawner
class ObjectSpawner {
   constructor() {

   static getRandomColor() {
      console.log("print some random color");

// in game

on the other hand, if you want to have communication between two classes, so you can use Phaser’s events like;

class A {
   constructor() {

   init() {"print", (param) => {
   printText(text) {

// in game"print", "HELLO");

What’s your code now?