Camera Zoom Out, Tilesprite moving

I have a game where the camera zooms out when the players gets big. When the player gets bigger, the tilesprite moves a little to the left, is there any way to fix this?

Zoom out code:

	if(!(this.cameras.main.zoom <= 0.15)) {
		if(player.scale < 0.75) this.cameras.main.zoomTo(1.25-player.scale);
	        if(player.scale >= 3) this.cameras.main.zoomTo(0.56-((player.scale-1)/8));
		else if(player.scale >= 1) this.cameras.main.zoomTo(0.56-((player.scale-1)/8));
		else if(player.scale >= 0.75) this.cameras.main.zoomTo(0.56-((player.scale-0.75)/3));

					  this.background.setTileScale(this.cameras.main.zoom, this.cameras.main.zoom);
					this.background.displayWidth = this.cameras.main.displayWidth;
					this.background.displayHeight = this.cameras.main.displayHeight;
this.background.setTilePosition(this.cameras.main.scrollX, this.cameras.main.scrollY);

Video of glitch: Notice how once i break the chest, the tilemap moves a bit to left.


const { scrollX, scrollY, zoom } = this.cameras.main;

this.background.setTilePosition(scrollX * zoom, scrollY * zoom);