Circular bodies merging and slipping when colliding

I’m having this strange behavior when circular bodies in group collides. Someone suggested me to switch to Matter physics, without explanation on why this was happening. I’m just colliding two circular objects, isn’t it the kind simple stuff Arcade should be perfect for ? captured (2)
My code look like this :
var balls =;

balls.create(100, 250, ‘blueBall’).setDrag(0.975).setDamping(true).setBounce(1).setCollideWorldBounds(true).setCircle(200).setScale(.2).setInteractive();
balls.create(200, 350, ‘redBall’).setDrag(0.975).setDamping(true).setBounce(1).setCollideWorldBounds(true).setCircle(200).setScale(.2).setInteractive();
balls.create(100, 350, ‘redBall’).setDrag(0.975).setDamping(true).setBounce(1).setCollideWorldBounds(true).setCircle(200).setScale(.2).setInteractive();


I’m planning on adding balls thats why I made a group, but my code without having group was working fine, collisions where perfect :
ball = this.physics.add.image(100, 250, ‘blueBall’);

ball2 = this.physics.add.image(160, 250, ‘redBall’);

this.physics.add.collider(ball, ball2);

Thanks in advance !


That should be fixed since v3.24.0.

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Aaaw, you right ! Upgraded and everything is fine now ! Thx !

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