Collision box after resize body


I’m using Phaser 3 and the official example from the website. The same sprites and the same platforms.

The platforms are created with the method staticGroup()

platforms = this.physics.add.staticGroup();

And I’m storing one of those rigs in a variable so I can manipulate its properties:

var test_platform = platforms.create(100, 100, 'ground');

To modify the height and width, I am using these properties:

test_platform.displayHeight = 100;

test_platform.displayWidth = 100;

To modify the collision edges, I am using the setSize() method

test_platform.body.setSize(80, 80)

If I run the game, the collision edges appear at different coordinates than the object:


I read that I have to refresh the state of the object using the refreshBody() function, so I’m running


When doing this, the coordinates of the collision edges are placed at the correct coordinates, but the measurements are adapted to the size of the body, and not the ones I set with the setSize(80,80) function.


Full code:

var test_platform = platforms.create(setXFromCenter(0), setYFromCenter(0), 'ground');

test_platform.displayHeight = 100;

test_platform.displayWidth = 100;

test_platform.body.setSize(80, 80);


Would anyone know how to modify the size of the body and at the same time modify the size of the collision edges?


Remove refreshBody(). Use

test_platform.body.setOffset(X, Y).setSize(80, 80, false);

and choose whatever X Y you need.

The problem is almost solved.


var test_platform = platforms.create(400, 300, 'ground');
test_platform.displayHeight = 100;
test_platform.displayWidth = 100;
test_platform.setSize(80, 80).setOffset(0, 0)

But now, when I set X an Y coordinates as 0,0, the real collition box location is not the center of the body


Using the “true” parameter in the setOffseth method, like this:

test_platform.setSize(80, 80).setOffset(0, 0, true)

The problem is not solved.

Is there a way to place automatically the collition box at the center of its body?

Seems to work better this way:

const p = this.platforms.create(400, 300, 'ground');

p.body.setSize(80, 80, true);

p.setDisplaySize(100, 100);
1 Like

Thanks, it works…



       var test_platform = platforms.create(400, 300, 'ground');
        test_platform.setSize(100, 100)
        test_platform.setDisplaySize(120, 120)

Now, I have a new question

Is there a way to move the collition box from the coordenates that setSize(w,h) place it?

Something like this:

using setOffset(x,y) method the coordinates crashed


        test_platform.setSize(100, 100)
        test_platform.setDisplaySize(120, 120)
        test_platform.setOffset(0, 0)

