[Solved]setSize not working on scaled sprites

Hello, after almost two years I decided to give me a try to Phaser again to create some silly games. The deal is that I need to set a different size for collision but it is not working. Look the code below and the picture.


this.platform = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
this.platform.create( this.platformPos.x-140*.4, this.platformPos.y, 'pltf1')
this.platform.create( this.platformPos.x, this.platformPos.y, 'pltf2')
this.platform.create( this.platformPos.x+140*.4, this.platformPos.y, 'pltf3')

Thanks in advance

I think the problem is that you are doing the setSize on the sprite instead of on the body of the sprite.
Try something like this:

this.platform = this.physics.add.staticGroup();

var mysprite1 = this.platform.create(this.platformPos.x-140*.4, this.platformPos.y, 'pltf1')


var mysprite2 = this.platform.create( // ... etc.

Thanks, it worked. It seems I misunderstood the docs.