Collision detection between world and image

I’m trying to detect collision between world and image and this is the code:

create() {
    var image = this.physics.add.image(posx, posy, 'key')
          .setInteractive({ draggable: true })
          .on('drag', function (pointer, dragX, dragY) {
              this.y =dragY;

    this.physics.add.existing(image), 0, width, height);
    image.onWorldBounds = true;'worldbounds', function(body){
        console.log('hello from the edge of the world', body);


In the above code when image is dragged to the bounds it does collide but the log is not displayed.
I’m not sure what the mistake is so I need help with this

Change to

image.body.onWorldBounds = true;
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Thanks for replying!
It worked