Custom event emitter interfering with button events?

Hi all,
I have the 'Play' scene passing the score to the 'Ending' scene. In the 'Ending' scene players should be able to click on a button to go to back to the 'Title' scene to play again.

I’m using events to pass the score between scenes. The scene plays correctly, data is passed but this somehow interferes with button events: the 'Play' scene plays instead of the 'Title' scene.

I’ve tried to not use events and the restartButton triggers 'Title' correctly but I then run into other issues like proper scene initialisation and passing the data.

Is there a way to modify EventsCenter or the script to not break button events?

The main game play scene

export default class Play extends Phaser.Scene {
	constructor() {
	create() {
       this.score = 0;
	    //add the end scene and hide it
		this.endingScene ='Ending');
    //... all the gameplay code
    ending() {
       EventsCenter.emit('startEnding', this.score);

The ending scene

export default class Ending extends Phaser.Scene {
	constructor(settings) { super('Ending'); }

	create() {
       var restartButton = new Button();
       EventsCenter.on('startEnding', this.startEnding, this);`
       restartButton.on('pointerdown',() => { this.scene.start('Title'); });	//tried with 'this' and without it

       showEnding()  {

EventsCenter.js I’ve been using this script to pass data between scenes successfully

const eventsCenter = new Phaser.Events.EventEmitter()
export default eventsCenter;