Difference: scene.add.sprite() and new Sprite() - Animation not playing

Hey there,
I have two sprites in a Container.
Both sprites are created differently and i’m wondering why they both do not function the same:

let animationSprite_1 = new Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite(scene, 0, 0);

let animationSprite_2 = scene.add.sprite(0, 0);

animationSprite_1 -> Animation NOT playing
animationSprite_2 -> Animation playing as expected

I know that most people use the scene.add.sprite() syntax but Phaser offers to use the new Class() syntax as well … is there a difference between the two or am i doing something wrong?

All the best

Without scene.add the sprite is not on the scene’s update list.

For the first sprite, you can add the existing game object to the same with add.existing(). This should add the object to the scene’s update list. Example:


Hey scottwestover,

sorry for letting you wait that much.

scene.add.existing did the job.
Still i’m wondering why i could already see the sprite. In my understanding i should not be able to see a sprite when it is not in the scene’s updatelist.
Since i pass scene into new Sprite() it should either exist only in the memory and not visible or if it is visible it should automatically be added to the updatelist.
However - thanks a lot for your time!


  • container
    • sprite 1
    • sprite 2


  • sprite 1