Disabling a Collider Temporarily


I have only found stuff online that tells you to destroy. I have implemented that in my game, but the problem is that when I respawn the player I get an error message with the colliders that I am recreating.

In the create function I have code as below, to set up the player colliders:

this.playerColliders = [];
          this.playerColliders.push(this.physics.add.collider(this.platformLayer, this.player));
          this.playerColliders.push(this.physics.add.collider(this.enemygroup, this.player, this.hitPlayer,null,this));

When the player ‘dies’, I have code as below to destroy each one. This is for the effect of making the player fall off the screen without hitting anything.

this.playerColliders.forEach(collider => collider.destroy());

When I respawn the player, I am recreating each collider and adding back to the array, but I get the error as below:

Collider.js?b61a:161 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeCollider' of null
    at Collider.destroy (Collider.js?b61a:161)
    at eval (level1.js?faca:843)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Level1.hitPlayer (level1.js?faca:843)
    at World.collideSpriteVsGroup (World.js?b086:1961)
    at World.collideHandler (World.js?b086:1839)
    at World.collideObjects (World.js?b086:1732)
    at Collider.update (Collider.js?b61a:143)
    at World.step (World.js?b086:1021)
    at World.update (World.js?b086:974)

What is the best way to handle this? Is there a way of making the player temporarily not be subject to collisions?

this.playerColliders.forEach(collider => { collider.active = false; });


this.player.checkCollision.none = true;

Many thanks, I’ll give that a go.

A bit of a silly one on me because I found out that just re-initialising the array works. I think it is probably better to disable them using the example you give though.