Drop Event is not fired when you drop sprite into drop zone

The drop event is not fired when I drag my card sprite and dropped it into the dedicated drop zone.
I have cloned the example from https://www.phaser.io/examples/v3/view/input/dragging/scale-during-drag and found out this issue.
Also in example you only need to use setDropZone() but in 3.55.2 and beta you need 2 more params: hitArea and hitAreaCallback.

Update of examples are necessary.

I tried that example in both v3.55.2 and v3.60-beta.4 and it did fire the drop event correctly, but I think the zone boundary is drawn in the wrong place.

I found out that setDropZone does not define the dropZone target.
setInteractive({dropZone: true}) does that.

And also yes the input shape does defined in its center.