EXACT_FIT documentation

Seem to have successfully used EXACT_FIT ScaleManager Scale Mode.

But I cannot find a reference to it either in the code or the documentation. Please advise!

scale: {
            parent: 'myDiv',
            mode: Phaser.Scale.EXACT_FIT,
            autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,

I think EXACT_FIT is for Phaser 2.
Have a look at this link

Not so much implemented in Phaser 3.

Call it what you like, if it ain’t NONE or RESIZE, it’ll try a sort of fit…

This is what I get when I use any scale mode that’s not in the documentation. Could be EXACT_FIT or LOL or whatever

With FIT


Out of these, the first is the most useful to me. It seems to be some fallback scaling mode if the scale manager can’t pick up an alternative?