Falling fruits game - removing sprite from group problem

I create a game with falling objects. Items are generated automatically depends on the data from API.
I have goodBoxes that can be catched (score + 1) and badBoxes (score - 1). What I do is:

  1. I create an object every 3s with this function

      delay: 3000,
      callback: () => {
        console.log("BAD", this.badBox.children);
        console.log("GOOD", this.goodBox.children);
      loop: true,
  2. Example of badBox creator

      createBadFruits(x, y) {
         const optionsArray = this.gameData.entries[this.gameRound].answers;
         const badAnswers = optionsArray.filter((option) => !option.is_correct);
         const randomIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
      const boxObj = this.physics.add
           .sprite(x, y, "box")
           .setOrigin(0.5, 0.5)
      const boxText = this.add
           .text(x, y, badAnswers[randomIdx].value, darkFont)
           .setOrigin(0.5, 0.5);


What I want to do is to bind text with the sprite obj so they can fall together.
I was checking the container solution:

const boxContainer = this.add.container(x, y, [boxObj, boxText]);


But then the text is falling slower then the box itself and my collapse callback function doesn’t work on collision.

  detectBadBoxes(player, box) {
     box.disableBody(true, true).refreshBody();
     this.score = this.score - 1;
     this.scoreText.setText(`x ${this.score}`);

Any idea what is wrong? Or how to attach text to the sprite so they can fall together an on collision both disappear?