Hello, I’m searching a free sprite sheet editor for phaser 3.
I know the TexturePacker but it’s not full free for what I’ve seen, it “block” some sprites but easily editable in any editor. The only negative with this is the fact of must have to edit the sprites that are “blocked”.
For what I’ve seen, there’s some relation in this sense with the libgdx, which can use some of the tools to generate json of the sprites, but it’s hard to use (my opinion).
So, is there some free editor just to make some animations? It’s for a tutorial of phaser 3 in pt BR.
@BlunT76 I tried the Pixelorama, and this kind of software is not what I’ve search. I only need to get some image and set the positions of the frames and generate the animations in json, and what I seen this editor it’s to edit pixel art.
I will try the Free Texture Packer, maybe it should be what I need.
Thank you for your suggestion and help.