The game crases on iOS in Safari. There doesn’t seem to be a clear reason to why this happens; sometimes it crashes even with the simplest mechanics. Has anyone bumped into this? Might it be I’m using pixel ratio for high-resolution display. I’ve noticed that if I artificially lower the DPR, the game tends to stay stable in Safari for some time, but it still do crash after all. has anyone bumped into that issue? Any help appreciated! Thnx in advance!
A common cause of this is Safari running out of memory.
Safari is super inefficient when it comes to using on canvas - so highly recommend using bitmap fonts when targeting iOS
thnx so much for ur answer! Is there some way to load textures maybe? With a lot of textures i got… I load everything at once before the game starts. Also tried breaking them into parts, but it still crashes on iOS 16. Im using phaser 3.86 thnx
I would recommend you to check the inspector. Most of the time, if the game crashes, it’s a javascript error. The inspector will prompt the error message and then you will be able to investigate about the issue. I hope It helps