I recently found such a tool as “colyseus”. it is a nodejs sync server for games.
I immediately remembered geckosio (udp+interpol+arraybuf). they both have similar functionality (except that there is no transport over UDP in the colyseus, but they promise to add this in version 1+.
who has any ideas? who used the colyseus, who used the gecko?
P.S. I know that on this forum there is a respected author of geckos ( @yannick ) it is more a discussion topic. who thinks what.
I tried Geckos.io with more than 300 synchronized entities in my game and it worked fine.
For the UDP on Colyseus they said it’s would be a TCP/UDP hybrid but since i can get the same or better by using Geckos.io then i don’t see why i would go to Colyseus.io.