Get Atlas Meta Data not working on version 3.23.0

Hi, on version 3.23.0, when i load the atlas with an object i am getting an error on the phaser\src\loader\File.js, this is because of the added condition of this.url.indexOf. Since i am passing an object it will break. This does not happens on previous version.

you can check it here

does not works:\loader\texture%20atlas%20json\get%20atlas%20meta%20data.js&v=3.23.0


I know that i can send the json url path to the atlasURL but i want to keep the current way using the object.

Is it another way to accomplish it with the object in the new version 3.23.0?
Or it wont be supported?


it’s a bug and samme already fixed it:

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Great, thank you very much.