Issue with this.load.atlas?

So I’m having an issue loading my Phaser demo on my Xampp server. I NEED the ability to run my demo offline. Problem is, ‘’ works, but ‘assets/atlas/atlas.json’ doesn’t… I don’t wanna have to change anything about my browser, that’s too much of an issue.

Screenshot of the atlas folder :

Screenshot of the spritesheet folder ( the sprite actually loads without the http:// , which I don’t understand… ) :

And finally, the code I use to call the spritesheet & the atlas :

Anyone can help?


Anyone does know?

I don’t think we have enough information to answer your question.

  • Why are you only passing two arguments to the load.atlas call?
  • What exactly isn’t working, the sprites don’t show up, is there an error?
  • What are the warning or error messages in the JavaScript console?

On that first point, see the load.atlas definition, typically this is something like:

this.load.atlas('mysprites', 'assets/atlas/atlas.png', 'assets/atlas/atlas.json');

Hi @BdR! :slight_smile: So allow me to answer your questions in-depth.

  1. Because this is actually from an RPG demo for Phaser 3 I found on Github, I am attempting to change everything & make my own Platformer out of it.

    Here is how the demo loads the tilemapTiledJSON :

     this.load.tilemapTiledJSON ( "map", "assets/maps/tests/debug01/debug01.json" );
     this.load.atlas ( __key, "assets/atlas/atlas.json" );
  2. The player in which the demo calls “misa” is not loading, displaying or animating at all, infact the character is actually a small green wireframe box with a line through the middle diagonally.

  3. The error message{s} is / are as follows :

     phaser.js:92430 GET http://localhost:82/game/atlas.json 404 (Not Found)
     phaser.js:34590 Texture.frame missing: misa-right

Please let me know if I didn’t explain well enough & I will do my best to explain more in-depth.

Thank You!

I might add even though I KNOW the files & folders are there because I double checked & triple checked.

Did I explain well enough?

Anyone can help?

Never mind. I figured it out! Thank you for letting me know about the extra parameter in this.load.atlas ( ), @BdR! :slight_smile: