Get the frame number from the texture atlas

I have a variety of blocks of different colours and I want to know how to get the colour of the block which has been hit by a ball. Im using a collider like this.

this.physics.add.collider(this.ball, this.blocks, this.ballHitBlock, null, this);

ballHitBlock(ball, block)
block.disableBody(true, true);

    const x = block.x
    const y = block.y
    this.createEmitter0(x, y, 0xffff00)

I’m able to get the x, y of the block hit but don’t know how to get the frame number of the texture atlas that the block has used. I would like to identify that frame, identify its colour and then pass it to the emitter to produce sparks the same colour as the the block.

Excellent thanks for your help.