I’m using this timer event as an example. How do I access callbackScope when it’s passed to my callback function? In the example, it’s not being used.
In my create.js
// Check the store every 2 secs
let x = this.time.addEvent({
delay: 500,
callback: checkStore,
callbackScope: this,
loop: true
In checkStore.js
import { store } from "../index.js";
let currentValue;
export const checkStore = x => {
let previousValue = currentValue;
currentValue = store.getState();
if (currentValue != previousValue) {
console.log("something's changed");
this.callbackScope.physics.add.sprite(400, 150, "blankFlower");
“This” and “x” my arguement are both undefined. How would I access the game from an external file?
Thank you for your help!