Hi there,
I’m new to Phaser 3 and javascripts in general, and merely achieve what I want by tweeking examples
I have the following issue:
Within my create function, I call another function when an image is clicked. This function needs 2 parameters.
Within that called function, I want to imlement a delayedCall and call a third function, but I can’t seem to retrieve the scene context in the second fonction.
Here’s what the code looks like:
function create ()
var b1 = this.add.image(812, 174, ‘B1’).setInteractive();
var C = this.sound.add(‘C’);
b1.on(‘pointerdown’, function() {playsound(C, “1”, this);}.bind(this)); // I tried various combinations to pass the context without success…
function playsound (sound, note, scope)
this.time.delayedCall(3000, youWin, []); // I get the error “Cannot read property ‘delayedCall’ of undefined”
function youWin ()
Help will be greatly appreciated !