How to add tween animation to group?

Hi, all~
I want to set tween to group,Not to element in group.
Thx everyone~

Try setting the Tween’s target to group.getChildren().

Thank you very much~

But i don’t want to change element in group,I just want to change group…emmm…

for example:\tweens\checkerboard%203.js

I want to add scale/rotation tween animation to blocks group…what should I do?

I don’t exactly understand what you’re asking. The example you linked adds a tween with an increasing delay to each child of a group. If you want to replicate it, look at its code to see how it iterates the group.

Keep in mind that groups in Phaser 3 are just a list of objects that aren’t treated as one like in Phaser 2. If you want to operate on the group itself, you should instead use a container.