How to create dialog modal ? like dialog on classic RPG games

I following this tutorial but this gave me this error “this.plugins.installLocal is not a function”, i use Phaser 3.17, and this tutorial using Phaser 3.6.0.

How to fix this or an alternative ?

Is there are built-in features to create dialog modal ?

I am also looking into concrete and useful ways of employing modals and similar game ui components that I need in game development. I t would be great if there were built ins or good frameworks or plugins or tutorials. Maybe we should write one.

I have searched “modal” in docs and 2 classes popped up. They give hints about that a modal can be created as creating and running a phaser scene:


of which the second one should be used in most cases. They are same functions anyways.

I have checked the tutorial you have mentioned. I am not sure if it is possible to stop/pause/sleep the main scene the modal being opened, in cases it is necessary. And it is necessary in some cases. I think that is one of the reasons/advantages to give them, modals, their own scene. Since you can stop the main scene and launch the modal scene and vice versa, however, with the plugins it may not be possible.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. If you have any questions, or suggestions on what we should cover next, let us know in the comments below.

Grr I hate when they tease us with “comments below” but there is no comment feature.