Hi friends
by using “this.matter.add.mouseSpring()” in matter physics I can move all game objects using mouse pointer, what if i need it just for some objects not for all of them?
How can i enable or disable it for some objects?
Hi friends
by using “this.matter.add.mouseSpring()” in matter physics I can move all game objects using mouse pointer, what if i need it just for some objects not for all of them?
How can i enable or disable it for some objects?
You can use the ignorePointer property in the body configuration object:
this.matter.add.sprite('nonInteractiveGO', xPos, yPos, 'atlasId', 'frameId', {
mass: 0.5,
ignorePointer: true
Don’t know if there is another way, but this should work
Thanks glantucan, using “object.body.ignorePointer = true” it works now
And how do you restrict the pointer to a specific zone to avoid that the body go out of the world?