How to tween object on curved path?

In my game I want to make the car turn and tween around the curved quarter circular path as shown below, I cannot able to figure out how to achieve the this.

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You change the coordinates object, and you rotate the image, what’s the problem?

Do you mean by this way -

	targets : car, 
	ease : 'Quad.easeOut' ,
	props : {
		x : { value : '+='+96},
		y: { value : '-='+96},
	yoyo : false, 
	repeat : 0,
	duration : 500,
	callbackScope : this
}, this) ;

Doing this by applying above tween moves the car on the desired position and rotates correctly, but the car follows straight line path(red line in image below) , I want the method to move the car following curved circular path(green line in image below).

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See paths/followers/rotate to path.

Thanks samme for the reply, tried the example but using this spline curve method I have not able to get the smooth quarter circular curve which I wanted.
So I used this ellipse path method and it worked perfectly.

let curve = new Phaser.Curves.Ellipse(196,292,96,96,180, 270);

let car = this.add.follower(curve, 196,292, 'car');
	duration: 500,
	yoyo: false,
	repeat: 0,
	rotateToPath: true,
	verticalAdjust: true, 