I am new to phaser does it works on mobile webs

Hello ,
I am new to phaser . While playing games developed by phaser, I have observed that they work with mobile browsers. Although maybe not fully or I know less how to play games.
Is phaser fully compatible with every browser on every device ? Thinking about yandex.games.

I’ve never tried Yandex Games SDK, and I can’t read the documentation that is only available in russian, but Phaser is a HTML5 game engine, so it should work on any modern browser.

In order to make your game playable on mobile device, you might have to adapt controls. To improve user experience, rexrainbow made many plugins that help you deal with hand gesture like tap, swipe or even a virtual joystick (full example here).


Thankyou. I will take these in consideration while making.
Documentation is available in English too . Change language .

where should i place this in html doc ?
Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
scene.load.scenePlugin(‘rexgesturesplugin’, ‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rexrainbow/phaser3-rex-notes/master/dist/rexgesturesplugin.min.js’, ‘rexGestures’, ‘rexGestures’);