Ideas for limiting bounce off tiles without affecting bounce off other sprites

I have a game that involves spaceships using Arcade physics with a circular body and a mass of 100 colliding with other ships with the same values, supplies with circular physics body and no mass and tiles (mass cannot be set). To prevent the ships from bouncing uncontrollably off the walls, I’ve set the bounce value of the ships’ physics body to 0.2 and the supplies to 0.5, but this causes ships to stick to eachother on collisions and causes the supplies to impart a stopping force on the ship. if I set the bounce value of the ships and supplies to 1 then the ships pass over the supplies without slowing down (as expected / desired) and actually bounce off eachother or slide past eachother (again, as expected / desired), but the bounces off the walls is too much. What options do I have to reduce the bounce off TileMapLayer Tiles without suffering from what I assume is a bug in the Arcade physics collision engine when a 100 mass object collides with a 0 mass object and both have a bounce value less than 1?

Additional Notes:
I’ve tried adding a physics body with mass set to 150 and immovable set to true, to my TileMapLayer, but that then causes collisions on the rectangular area of the TileMapLayer instead of the wall tiles themselves and I can’t create a physics body for each tile unless I create a game object in the place where each wall tile exists (which seems like the wrong approach)

you can see example code for the game at: GitHub - bicarbon8/SpaceSim: Spaceflight simulator
and can play the game at: to understand what I mean on the bounce values and collision problem with supplies

thanks in advance for your help.

For circle–circle collisions I think you must use mass 1 (the default).

If bounce is also a problem you can use bounce (1, 1) for all bodies and then scale the velocities however you want in each collide callback.

hadn’t thought about scaling the velocity of the ships on collision. I’ve just tried it and it solves the problem. Thanks!