Input keboard addkey does not working in 3.16.2

 keyR = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.R); 
if (keyR.isDown) {call_function();} 

These working in 3.15.x but it is not working in 3.16.2, any sugestion, any change necesary ?
thks in avdance

Hi. The way I’ve done it in 3.16 is:

keyR = this.input.keyboard.addKey(“R”);

thks tiko1711
I have solved the problem. It was a function mine

also your way :
keyR = this.input.keyboard.addKey('R'); //simple quotes
or this way:
keyR = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.R);

…working fine,
I had a problem when I call a function used .refreshbody(); It working in 3.15
thks for reply

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@tijuinem That’s right. You can even use key code values.

Taken from official

  • KeyboardManager.addKey can now take either a Key object, a string, such as A or SPACE , or a key code value.