Is possible to create spritesheet from a loaded sprite?

I want to make a puzzle game similar to jigsaw.

I have an idea to use spritesheet to cut a image.

But i did’t know how to change frame width and height dynamically (once on game level started), or create spritesheet from loaded sprite.

Is possible to do this?


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Thank you, i will try it

this.textures.addSpriteSheet('image', loaded_sprite, {frameWidth: 100, frameHeight: 100});

How to get already loaded sprite instead ?

Btw, i got an error even i change loaded_sprite to file path.


should be the 2nd argument.

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Thank you!

It’s working, but i prefer to load it directly by sprite key, something like this.getSourceImage('key') instead to create a sprite first.

I know there are a documentation for this, but it’s difficult for me to understand it, i prefer rexrainbow style documentation.

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Thank you!

i already try this previously this.textures.get('key') but i don’t know if i need .getSourceImage()

How do you know about this? is there any page that i can learn phaser 3 more?

That one is tricky but if you follow TextureManager.addSpriteSheet()Texture you can find Texture#getSourceImage().

It would be easier to learn from the examples, though. There doesn’t seem to be one yet.

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