Matter collision crash - version 3.22

Does anyone knows how to fix this issue? The game crashes when tiled map collides with a matter sprite. You can see this error on the phaser 3 example using phaser version 3.22.0:\game%20objects\tilemap\collision\matter%20platformer%20with%20wall%20jumping.js&v=3.21.0


It sounds like a bug. You could use Phaser v3.21 for now.

Thanks samme!
As I really want to use the benefits of new matter integration of version 3.22.0, I just add an extra check at the file MatterCollisionEvents.js

if (bodyA.gameObject && bodyA.gameObject.emit) {
   bodyA.gameObject.emit('collide', bodyA, bodyB, pair)

Hoping that it will not create more crashes.
