I’m creating a game where there are some places in the code base which I’d like to write some unit tests. One of these places is a logic where I create complex game objects from data definitions. The end result of the process is a Phaser game object, for example extended Image
with custom properties.
Essentially I’d like to write tests to verify that a correct output entity is produced from certain input. However, I’m not quite sure how to handle creation of GameObject
during tests since the require ´Scene´ in their constructor. How do you people have setup Phaser game or just few of its components for this kinds of tests?
In following Karma/Jasmine test (which is ran on browser) I only get error about Cannot read property 'queueDepthSort'
which I suppose is because I didn’t init the Phaser framework from the beginning in my tests:
import { Scene } from 'phaser';
import { createEntity, createEntityFromTiledObject } from '../../core/EntityFactory';
describe('EntityFactory', () => {
it('should have createEntity function', function() {
describe('entity creation from Tiled data', () => {
it('should create an Image entity if given data with image key', function() {
const createdEntity = createEntityFromTiledObject(
height: 51,
name: 'mobilephone',
properties: {
atlasKey: 'kitchen_sprites',
entityId: 'kitchen_phone',
entityType: 'ClickableImage',
imageKey: 'phone_active'
rotation: 0,
type: 'entity',
visible: true,
width: 78,
x: 651,
y: 807
new Scene('testScene'),
The first test runs fine since I don’t try to use Scene
in it.
Note that I’m not trying to test my whole game this way. I just want to bootstrap just enough of the Phaser in my tests to run certain important pieces of code.