Moving one group object at a time

I have a group of cards aligned in a grid, I’m trying to use a tween to move them across the screen one at a time, but can only get all the cards moving at once. I want the top card to move first and then be at the bottom of the stack and so on with all the cards. The last card that moves should be at the top of the stack.

var cards ={ key: ‘cards’, repeat: 144, setScale: { x: 1, y: 0.9 }});

Phaser.Actions.GridAlign(cards.getChildren(), {
    width: 1,
    cellWidth: 50,
    cellHeight: 4,
    x: 140,
    y: 175

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

tweens/stagger delay

I tried doing that, maybe I’m calling the target wrong. In the doc for stagger it does say that it is best used for individual targets.

thanks I was trying to get children from outside the tween… just being a dum dum, I’m sure you’re used to seeing that.