I’m trying to make phaser v3.55 game screen responsive based on browser size also supportable to multiple android and ios devices.
Scaling should be similar to this demo:
Thank you.
I’m trying to make phaser v3.55 game screen responsive based on browser size also supportable to multiple android and ios devices.
Scaling should be similar to this demo:
Thank you.
Maybe this helps:
Thanks for replying.
In the example you provide it doesn’t always seem to fill the screen.
I don’t see a border.
What I meant is that the requirement I requested for was that safe area will always be visible and rest of the area should have the background.
This is the example created using different game engine : Cocos Creator | hello_world.
Red box is the safe area here.
The image is of size 2688 x 1536 and safe area is center of the screen with size 1920 x 1080.
So the center should always be visible.
If the window size is of 1920 x 1200 then the sides will FIT and the height will FILL
@Un_Gamer you have to calculate the scale at runtime and then reposition your scene’s element according to the game scale, I don’t think phaser provide a way to do so.
Try creating a base-scene that does the calculation and all your game scene will extend this base scene.
Thanks for replying @nish_mishra.
Do you mean that I need to change the config size as well as canvas size based on the window size?
Can you please provide a code or any methods that would help.
@Un_Gamer apologies for the delay in response, here is the basic idea how i am doing it.
this.screenWidth = 1920;
this.screenHeight = 1080;
this.scaleX = (this.game.scale.width / this.screenWidth).toFixed(2);
this.scaleY = (this.game.scale.height / this.screenHeight).toFixed(2);
this.globalScale = this.scaleX;
if (this.scaleY < this.scaleX)
this.globalScale = this.scaleY;
this.events.once('preupdate', () => {
this.children.list.forEach((obj) => {
if (obj.type === "Container") {
obj.list.forEach((child) => {
//check the object type here and set the scale
obj.scaleOriginal = obj.scale;
obj.xOriginal = obj.x;
obj.yOriginal = obj.y;
resize() {
//resize calculation goes here
this.game.scale.on('resize', this.resize, this);