Multiple paths for my kite

My goal is to have a series of paths along which a kite flies. These will be initiated from clicking buttons so that you can fly ‘pattern 1’, ‘pattern 2’ etc. I got the first path to work by creating a timeline and doing a bunch of ‘timeline.add’ steps but am a bit lost as to how to handle multiple paths. The closest example I’ve been trying to extend from is Phaser - Examples - Simple Timeline 1. What’s a good way to create a collection of timelines to choose between?

Which part is causing trouble? You should be able to create and start several timelines separately. As long as you stop one before starting another I think it should work.

I found a way to do it now, thanks for following up. I was trying to have the timelines in a collection or array or something. I can hold the data that creates them like that and then create the timeline when it is needed.