I was trying to use Niklas Berg’s phaser-animated-tiles plugin to animate my tilelayers: https://github.com/nkholski/phaser-animated-tiles , but I could not get it to work, so I copied the animating functions and debugged it, I looked through tileset and tileData, but there was no fields about animation despite the info being there in the tilemap json.
It could be because I am using Phaser 3 version 3.15.1, tiled version 1.2.1 and the plugin uses 3.8.0, tiled version 1.0.2, but where in the map object should the info about animations be stored in later versions of Phaser?
Phaser v2.x.x is not compatible with Phaser III… can’t remember where I saw this. Here’s a growing list of Phaser III plugin from a book I found entitled “Phaser III Game Prototypes” in the Appendix: Phaser III plugins.
I invite everyone to add to this list (generously).
I encountered the same problem as LordLaharlsVassal. I messed up the Phaser JSON parser a bit, but I still could not get it to work. There is a working example with older versions, but I’m not sure why it works: http://metroid.niklasberg.se/phaser-animated-tiles/
Is there anyone who uses the plugin and could explain?